Větřní - Český Krumlov

Větřní – Český Krumlov

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Vessel Price per person
Paddleboard 399 CZK
Big paddleboard 499 CZK
Raft 499 CZK
Kanoe 399 CZK
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Instruktor 1.350 CZK

Price included : paddleboard or BIG paddleboard or canoe or raft, vest, waterproof bag 10l, and transport to the start of the trip

Trip length: 9 km, 2–3 hours

Start o the trip : from our 2W sports rental shop, located next to the P3 car park in Č. Krumlov, we will take you by minibus to the start of the trip to Větřní.

Destination: 2W sports rental – at parking lot P3, 381 01 Český Krumlov.

Difficulty: for anyone

You can have a cold drink or a good coffee at the 2W sports rental. Possibility to use the toilet for free. You can park right next to our rental shop in the P3 car park.

GPS address of 2W sports rental: 48.8079267N, 14.3192089E

Description of the trip route

An ideal half-day trip for every paddler and family with children. Three weirs await you during the cruise. The first weir Konopa and the second Na Rechlích are on the right side, and the weir U Liry on the left side. There are many opportunities for refreshments along the route. We recommend going down weirs kneeling on a paddleboard for better safety or carrying it around the weir.

Opening hours of 2W rental : 9 am – 6 pm every day (July – August), off-season by appointment only

Phone information : +420 725 800 783, +420 777 754 768

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